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AI for Non-Techiesunderline

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Unlock the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Your Business

Available to South Yorkshire businesses.

1 hour Discovery Session - £49+vat

We’ll arrange time to meet with you and your team. Where we can chat through your business, your goals and the how Ai can help. Then, we'll deliver a PDF report detailing where and which AI tools can benefit your business.

Ai Setup & Training - £135+vat per day

Once you have your report, we'll book time to setup the AI tools for you. And we'll create training for your team. This means you get expert support to setup and run the tools. Depending on the report, training may require 1-4-days to deliver.

Artificial Intelligence is more than just a buzzword. It's a game-changer that can revolutionise the way you do business. Here’s why you should jump on the AI bandwagon:

  • Efficiency: AI can handle routine tasks effortlessly, freeing you and your team to focus on strategic operations.
  • Data Insights: Make informed decisions with advanced data analytics that reveal patterns you never knew existed.
  • Automation: From scheduling appointments to managing customer queries, AI automates processes to save time and reduce errors.
  • Customer Experience: Personalise interactions, predict customer needs, and improve service levels without breaking a sweat.

Why Choose Us?

This course is ideal for professionals in:

Optimise interactions and predict market trends.

Automate mundane tasks, allowing you to focus on winning cases.

Enhance customer service and increase sales.

Streamline data management and client engagement.

All businesses can improve their processes and insight using AI.

Why Choose The Developer Academy?

  • Industry Experts: Learn from industry leaders to ensure relevance.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Catered to fit into your busy schedule.
  • Practical & Relevant: Learn with hands-on projects relevant to your business that you can apply immediately

Enrol Today!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionise your business without becoming a tech wizard.

👉 Sign Up Now

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Absolutely not! This course is designed for non-techies; we start from the basics and build up.

The course duration is flexible, ranging from intensive weekend sessions to a few weeks depending on your schedule.

Yes, you will receive a certificate upon completion, showcasing your AI expertise to employers and clients.

Unlock the potential of AI in your business today! The future is smarter, and so should you be.